About Mollie

Current Magistrate

Former Trial Attorney

15+ Years of Experience

Who i am

I have been honored to work as a Magistrate in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division, for the last five years.  As a Magistrate, I have presided over 2,000 Trials and Hearings.  Prior to becoming a Magistrate, I spent over 10 years as an Assistant Prosecutor in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office.  As an Assistant County Prosecutor in the Criminal Division, I tried over 50 cases to verdict and had the privilege of practicing in front of at least 28 of the 34 Judges in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division.  Prior to becoming an Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, I worked as a Criminal Defense Attorney in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division.

As a current Magistrate and former Litigant, I bring a unique skill set that includes Trial experience and Judicial experience. I am highly confident this skill set will make me an asset to the bench.



Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division
Cleveland, OH
Dec 2018 — NOW
MAR 2012
JUL 2013
MAR 2015
Aug 2008 - Dec 2018

Ass. Prosecutor, Criminal Division

Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, OH

Criminal Defense Attorney

Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division
Clveland, OH
May 2008 - Aug 2008
JULY 2011
JUN 2013
SEPT 2006
AUG 2011
Jan 2007 — May 2007

Lima Municiapl Court

Public Defenders Office
Intern for the Lima Municipal Court
Lima, OH

United States District Court

Southern District of Ohio
Judicial Extern for the Hon. Walter Herbert Rice
Dayton, OH
Sep 2006 — Dec 2006
AUG 2004
AUG 2006
SEPT 2006
AUG 2011
May 2006 — Aug 2006

Office of the United States Attorney

Northern District of Ohio
Law Clerk
Cleveland, OH

Kehoe & Associates, LLC.

Law Clerk
Cleveland, OH
May 2005 — Aug 2005
AUG 2004
AUG 2006


Dec 2018 - NOW
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division
Cleveland, OH
AUG 2008 - DEC 2018
Ass. Prosecutor, Criminal Division
Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, OH
may 2008 - aug 2008
Criminal Defense Attorney
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division
Cleveland, OH
Jan 2007 - may 2007
Lima Municipal Court
Public Defenders Office
Intern for the Lima Municipal Court
Lima, OH
sep 2006 - dec 2006
United States District Court
Southern District of Ohio
Judicial Extern for the Hon. Walter Herbert Rice
Dayton, OH
may 2006 - aug 2006
Office of the United States Attorney
Northern District of Ohio
Law Clerk
Cleveland, OH
may 2005 - aug 2005
Kehoe & Associates
Law Clerk
Cleveland, OH


Claude w. pettit college of law
Ohio northern university
Juris Doctorate
Honors & Activities

Dean's List, fall 2006; Ohio Northern Academic Scholarship; Moot Court, Associate Justice, National Mock Trial Team Coach; Moot Court, Member, National Mock Trial Team; Civil Procedure Teaching Assistant

University of dayton
Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
Minor in Psychology
Honors and Activities: University of Dayton Scholar, all semesters; University of Dayton Leadership Scholarship; Criminal Justice Sheriff Bernard “Beno” Keiter Memorial Scholarship (awarded to an upper-class student based on academic achievement, contributions to the University, the community, and region); Oakwood County Club Employee Scholarship; Christmas on Campus
Honors & Activities

University of Dayton Scholar, all semesters; University of Dayton Leadership Scholarship; Criminal Justice Sheriff Bernard “Beno” Keiter Memorial Scholarship (awarded to an upper-class student based on academic achievement, contributions to the University, the community, and region); Oakwood County Club Employee Scholarship; Christmas on Campus

Notre dame cathedral latin
High School
Chardon, OH

Education ACC

The following organizations have expressed support for Mollie Ann Murphy as Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge.

University of dayton
Bachelor of Arts in History
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
University of dayton
Bachelor of Arts in History
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
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